… and ultimately defined by software that implements numerical control algorithms. One special feature is that the real-time capability of the algorithms is key, as a drone cannot wait for its IT to boot up or install updates during flight. Another special feature is the close integration of software and hardware, since unlike in consumer products such as PCs or smartphones, the most powerful hardware is not always the most attractive one for closed-loop control applications. Because factors such as space requirements, costs and energy consumption of the hardware have to be taken into account, closed-loop control technology is often implemented on microcontrollers that are as slim and cost-effective as possible. We focus on closed-loop control algorithms, the software required to implement them and the underlying system models (real-time simulation models). Many of the algorithms and methods we investigate or use are essentially based on numerical optimization methods, where real-time implementation on microcontrollers is a particular challenge. In our research projects we regularly investigate algorithmic principles by simulation and also implement IT for control engineering tasks in practical applications together with industrial partners.